Well, today is June 25. It was a pretty good day. Riley is going to be 2 in September and it is showing. He is already in the "terrible 2" stage and has the attitude to follow. Riley also LOVES to play outside.
Divyne is now 5 months as of June 24. She is really starting to get personality now. She loves when we go on walks. She koos all the time and is even starting to roll over. She absolutely loves her baths because she kicks and the water splashes then she laughs. Divyne will sit and watch Riley play until she gets bored then she watches Daniel play with his "toys".
These kids are a real awakening of parenthood. It has so far been a great experience. We are still however approved through LDS Family Services and have been for 4 years. Please keep us in mind if you know of anyone who is looking at adoption.
We love you all, thank you for all your support,
Daniel & Sara
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Divyne's First Real Food Experience
Divyne had her first real food yesterday. BANANAS. Her reaction was priceless. We are going to try peaches today.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Riley's "Phone"
Riley will pick up almost anything and use it as a phone. He will even have a conversation w/whoever he is talking to on the other end. The "phone" he has in his hand is actually a calculator.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Here are a few fun videos
This is the view from Daniel's mom's little cottage. She lives right on a lake.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Welcome to our Blog

Hello Everyone,
Well, it is a beautiful day here in Rathdrum, ID. It is sunny and supposed to be around 75*.
Now as far as updates go, we are now certified foster parents for the state of Idaho. We currently have 2 beautiful children in our home. Riley who is almost 2 and Divyne who will be 5 months next week. We have had a lot of fun with these two kids. We have really learned a lot about parenting. We even had people call us and wish us happy fathers day and happy mothers day. It has really been a blessing to have these children in our home. We have grown to love them as our own and will be sad to see them leave if and when they do.
Daniel is still working for Coldwater Creek in Sandpoint. I am working for RE/MAX By The Lake in Hayden on a very p/t basis. I spend most of my time here at home with these kids. I really enjoy it.
We really miss being near family but we really enjoy it up in Northern Idaho. It is so beautiful up here. We are seriously surrounded by mountains. We have an amazing view out our living room window. We even have several community beaches with in 25 miles of us.
We are excited to come to the Hjelm reunion. So until next time...
Daniel & Sara
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