We are now one month and 15 days away from "ADOPTION DAY" for Corbin. We are so excited it seems like it is so far away still. He has really gained a personality and has a LOVE-HATE relationship with Natalie and Riley. Natalie has really taken a liking to Corbin although when Corbin has a toy that she wants she takes it w/out hesitation so he has learned to cry and it will come back one way or another (usually from us taking it back from Natalie). When he is done with his bottle we always stick it in the fridge as we need every last bit of formula possible. Riley used to always do it for us but now Natalie has taken responsibility. I don't like her to do it because she always shakes it and turns it upside down then it all leaks out of the bottle but if we don't let her do it and give it to Riley she gets really mad. Natalie has a newly discovered temper but this is about Corbin so we won't get into that), she will even take it away from him and then go put it in the fridge. That doesn't make Corbin too happy. NOW he does the same thing to her. If he is close enough and something she has catches his eye nothing stops him from taking it. He has a 50/50 success rate with the grab and steal. He has a pretty good grip. His most favorite thing to take from her is the sippy cup. He just likes to chew on the top. Right now he is a mommy's boy. He doesn't like it when I leave him ANYWHERE. I could go on forever. He is just so much fun. We love him to pieces and we are SO EXCITED to make him a part of our family. We are waiting to see how long it will be before we can adopt Riley before we look at any dates for the sealing. We will keep you all updated.