We have had a lot of changes over the past few months. So here is the last few months in review. Please forgive the long post. We have had a lot happen.
Enjoy all the pictures though.
Natalie got Student of the Month for December and Corbin also got glasses. We are pretty proud of both of our kids and our kids are pretty proud of themselves. Natalie is doing very well in Kindergarten and her teacher says she is ready for first grade. Corbin is also really enjoying Joy School. He loves to go because he gets to see his friends.

Now over the past year (give or take) a friend Daniels he worked with at Coldwater Creek left the company and went to work for Nike. Kurt has been keeping an eye on things at Coldwater. The position Daniel was in allowed him to see the earnings and losses of the company. Well Kurt knew that they were not doing so well and we did too but knew with the collapse of the housing market we couldn't really go anywhere. So we gained to LOVE North Idaho. We made friends, had a group we went to the Temple with monthly, kids were in great schools...we had no plans of leaving anytime soon. We prayed for a job closer to home but never thought that would take us from Idaho. Well, on January 24, 2014 Daniel had an interview with Nike that changed everything. He was flown over to Oregon on Valentines day for an onsite interview and the job offer came in a week later. When things started to become more of a reality I shed MANY a tear. I was so sad that we had to leave such a great ward, great friends, "OUR home". Everything happened so fast. We listed our home. Shortly after that all the chaos began. Nike paid for a trip for the four of us to fly over to Portland and look for homes. The kids were so excited...their first time on a plane and they did AWESOME!! We were so ready to go home after 4 days in a hotel.

Nike set up Chipman United Van Lines to come pack and move us. Nike ALSO set us up in a hotel for two nights so we were not sleeping on boxes.
Boxes stacked to the ceiling in almost every room. *Just a site note...if you ever have a moving company move you...they pack everything for you. So one day to pack and one day to load the truck and a few days to haul.* Coldwater offered the same thing when we moved up to North Idaho. This time I was so impressed (except for the cigarette smoke in my home). The Team Captain this time around was awesome. His name was Brandon Edwards. He kept us up to date throughout the entire process and even left Daniel a message when he got into Oregon and an approximate time of arrival in the morning. He was so professional. OH and they wrap EVERYTHING in paper. This time as part of the service they came and picked up all the boxes and paper and discarded it themselves. I really appreciated that part.
Furniture was the last to go on the truck
Daniel's start date was March 24 so we had to leave our home in Rathdrum to start our new adventure in Oregon. So we had to leave the home vacant. That was very hard. Especially to see it empty. The memories of the house were the hardest.
The memories inside this home...
The play set we had to leave behind that my Dad helped put together
The deck my Dad built...this was the hardest to leave and the yard
We can't forget the friends we left. These two "Best Friends" have not forgotten each other though. They have been introduced to Skype. Now they have their "play dates" by computer. :-) #sillyboys
Well, now we have moved to Oregon. Daniel is enjoying his job. He went from having a 45-60 minute commute to a 15-20 minute commute. #wonderful!! The week we moved up here was Spring Break so the kids quickly found out there are kids that live up and down our street. So the kids are adjusting fairly well.
Natalie however has had a harder adjustment. While we were up here about a month ago we found her Elementary School. The school then asked if she could do morning as morning had more room. She was not in any way happy w/us for agreeing. That meant earlier bed time, early mornings...anyone who knows my daughter knows she is not in anyway shape or form a morning person. So this has been a major adjustment for her. We both have seen how hard this is for her. Her attitude has changed, it takes her a while to fall asleep, getting use to a new school, finding new friends...believe me when I say we have seen and felt it. We commented to her tonight that we hope that now that she is acting like a teenager that when she does become a teenager she acts like the sweet innocent little girl she once was. LOL! Corbin is struggling because he always had someone to play with. If Kenai wasn't at our house Corbin was at theirs. Now he has to wait for other kids to come outside in order to play. He is adjusting fairly well though. We even found him a "Joy School" which is exactly what he was doing before we left. Exact same curriculum. He is excited to have his own "school days".
Well, we are getting settled. We are trying to find activities for the kids to get involved in but it seems like everything costs double. on the bright side...there are a lot of parks around us. They also have a fun library where we can walk out back and feed the ducks. So we are finding things to do and finding out way around. We even had the opportunity last weekend to go to a Professional Soccer game...and come to find out it was a "rivals" game. Seattle Sounders and Portland Timbers. So the of us went. It was raining off and on but we got to ride the TriMet train. The kids really enjoyed that.
Waiting for the train
Riding the train to Portland
I thought the kids would enjoy it more than they did.
We are however feeling very blessed. In the past week Coldwater Creek has claimed chapter 11 bankruptcy and are closing down. We couldn't be more grateful that the Lord has blessed in so many ways over the past years.
So here are some pictures of our new home:
We live on a corner lot and across the street to your left is a private road the kids
enjoy playing and riding their bikes.
Formal sitting room
dining area & living room
Backyard (the yard is very small but makes up for it in house)
Corbin's room
Natalie's room
4th bedroom we are using as...A PLAYROOM!! I was so excited. Daniel's parents came
to stay w/us overnight on their way through to Lakewood, WA so they stayed in the kids' beds
so they had a sleep over in the play room.
Lastly...the master suite. We love the amount of space this home has to offer. We really miss our yard at home but hopefully over the next few years we can find something with a yard. For now we will be visiting the beach/coast AND parks quite often. We have been told of the many things there are to do near the coast and the coast is only an hour away. So we will stay busy with family just over 2 hours away and the coast.