The EEG came back clear. the pediatrician and I had an inkling that things would back on a positive note so we really had no worries. We just wanted to be safe than sorry down the road. So then where are these tremors coming from? Corbin is what many call a "Meth Baby" so we believe that these tremors are caused by the effects from the meth. He has not had as many tremors as he has over the past few weeks but let me tell you all the good things about my beautiful boy.
He is now 6 1/2 months and has now started to sit up all by himself and is doing so well. As long as he doesn't loose concentration he sits up for a while by himself. He doesn't like tummy time all that much so we are working on that aspect of his development but overall he really enjoys Riley & Divyne. Divyne now sits and talks to him (of course her own little way that only her and Corbin can understand) and hands him toys and asks him if he wants it. Riley is the same way. He gives Corbin kisses ALL the time. It is rather cute. He smiles ALL THE TIME. If he sees you talking he thinks you are talking to him. I LOVE the fact that children love to see themselves in the mirror so I have made it a habit that when he gets out of the bath tub I hold him in front of the mirror and get the biggest smile out of him. I love it. He is just way too much fun. We are so excited and can't wait for August 4 for the opportunity to make him legally ours.
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