Wow-it has been a while since I posted. Well, October 30 came and went and two days later we heard from Natalie's Case Worker that the judge has granted termination of parental rights. We were absolutely ecstatic. So the file was transferred to an adoption clinician and the adoption process was ready to begin. Then we got word that Natalie's mom has appealed AGAIN which means the case now goes before the Idaho Supreme Court!!!! So now we are in the waiting game again. We now wait for the supreme Court to review the case and make their decision. There is some good news in all of this. This is as far as she can go she can't appeal anymore. Some more great news is that we can continue to work towards adoption knowing that there is an appeal on the table so that when we do have the final word from the SC we can immediately set an adoption date. We won't have to wait on anything else. So we now pray that the SC will see that there has been two other terminations and dismiss the case. We can only hope and pray. I strongly believe we are looking at middle of 2010 for an adoption.
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