Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Update on the Family

Well Riley is gone and we are so sad. We were hoping to be able to get together with his Mom but things didn't work out so we silently say Goodbye. :(( We are going to take on another one shortly that is either the same age as Riley or older. We won't know until we get a phone call. We will keep the blog updated once we do get another placement.

We just had a review hearing for Natalie. We are still playing the waiting game. We will hopefully hear soon from the Idaho Supreme Court. We have a Post Permanency hearing set for July 28 that we are SOO hoping can be our adoption day but we can't know anything until we have an answer from our fearless leaders higher up. So as soon as we hear anything we will again keep our blog updated.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Riley-you will be surely missed!!

Well, the time has come. Riley is back with his Mom. I was told this last Wednesday that Riley would not be coming home to us Friday evening that he would now be full-time with his mom. I was ok with it at the time but now that I have had time to think about him being gone for good I got really sad.

The last few weeks Riley has been moved into longer visits with his Mom. It went from Friday's from 8am to 8pm then Thursday after school from 12pm to overnight and coming back Friday evening to Wednesday's then coming back Friday's, then just a few weeks ago it was Monday's after school and coming back to us just over the weekends. Riley really started to struggle with the change. So this really is the best for Riley

I am just VERY sad that he is gone. I didn't think that would be this sad but I miss him. I know that he (I hope at least) that he is happy and I am sure he will miss Natalie & Corbin. I know they will miss him. I sat down with Natalie the other day and explained to her that Riley now lives with his mom. She started to cry. Although I am not sure why she was crying but I got a little sad for her. We are hoping that his mom will allow us to take him for at least an hour or so this weekend to say good bye and give him all his clothes and toys.

Riley will be surely missed. We loved him so much and always will. Hopefully we will be able to be a part of his life in the future.