Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall Soccer 2012

It all started one day at Rathdrum City Park when the two kids and I were playing waiting for Daniel to get home from work when we saw a little soccer team show up with pizza, cupcakes, and trophies for each player. The kids were about Natalie and Corbin's age. When I told Natalie it was for a soccer team and she wasn't in soccer I was in so much trouble. Let me invert something her though. The whole reason we went to the park a lot of the times was because the kids had not had naps and I had to find a way to keep them awake until Daniel got home and this was the only thing that worked. Anyway, she was not very happy and wanted to know why I hadn't signed her up for soccer. I tried to explain that I didn't know about it until it was too late and I had also signed her up for a dance class. So here we were in Fall 2012 and we signed up the kids for soccer. They had a lot of fun. If they scored a goal they got their name in the paper (not sure which paper as our local one went out of business) but each one of them scored at least one goal (it counted even if it was in the other players goal). We were blessed to have great weather for practice and games up until the end of the season. By the end of the season Natalie was done playing and Corbin was ok with being done. They had each team play 2 games and our little team had players that had never played before except for one little player so some of them were there but didn't want to go out on the field. They let the parents go out if needs be but because Natalie and Corbin, among a few others, were sometimes the only ones who wanted to play they got tired really fast especially where each game was 30 minutes long.


Coldwater Creek/Inventory Planning Summer Party

Coldwater Creek usually has a summer party but it usually consists of alcohol so we have never gone. This year they did an inventory planning summer party at the beach in Sandpoint. They had sandwiches and all you can eat fruit, drinks, etc. The kids were in heaven however they were also in heaven because they got to play in the water and in the sand. I enjoyed it because I got to play with my kids in the sand, build sandcastles, and watch them play.
 Natalie and I starting to build sandcastles. The sand was the perfect consistency to make sandcastles. Both kids loved it because our sandbox at home you can't exactly make sandcastles with. It is too fine unless of course we take the hose to it then it is just muddy. The kids like that even better.
 Both kids LOVED playing the water. It took Corbin a few minutes but he kept going further and further out. Natalie was the first one in the water. I always tell her she is our little fish. It doesn't matter temperature of the water she will be in it.
 The start of our what was supposed to be large sandcastle until Corbin got a hold of it (see below).
 Corbin thought it was fun to wreck the sandcastles once we made them.
 Daniel and Corbin playing in the sand.
When we got there someone had already dug a hold big enough for one of them to sit in. Once Corbin started playing in it Natalie wanted one just as big so she is starting to dig her hole. 

Family Ice Cream Outing

A few weeks ago before it got too cold we went to a local gas station that we have heard has really good ice cream. So we decided we would give them a try. They did have really good ice cream but I have always said you know it is good when it end up all over your face and your face. The kids really enjoyed their ice cream and here is the proof.

 Corbin devoured his ice cream cone and all. Natalie on the other hand didn't like her cone so she would hand it over to Daniel to eat the cone and she would eat the ice cream.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Nocturnal Animals

So I posted earlier about the Summer Reading Program and that i signed my kids up for both Rathdrum and Hayden. This time both libraries offered the same activity which was "Nocturnal Animals." We actually went to both Rathdrum & Hayden libraries because my kids liked it so much but because Rathdrum is so much smaller they allowed you to pet and interact 2 of the 3 animals where Hayden wouldn't because they had such a large group. They had a few stuffed animals like a raccoon, a baby cougar, etc. They did however have actual nocturnal animals. They had a snake which I believe was a Boa but this type of Boa doesn't get to be that big and wont harm you. Then later I spoke to a friend whose daughter was also at this activity and she said that she finds that type of snake at her house all the time. Natalie and Corbin really liked the idea of touching a snake.
 Natalie reaching up to touch the snake.
 This is at the Rathdrum library. They actually let each child hold the snake if they wanted to.
They had a Ferret at both locations but at Rathdrum they put all the kids into two circles (there were two ferrets) and put each ferret into each circle and let them run around and let the kids interact with them. These ferret are used as pets so they were very friendly.
 This was actually at the Hayden library. Corbin had to use the potty when they brought the snakes out for everyone to see so when we got back the crowd had died down so they let him hold a snake.
This was the Great Horned Owl. The lady that is holding the owl works at the Nature Center in Coeur d'Alene. She was the one who did the presentation of all the animals. She told a story about this owl that she was once hit by a car and the person that hit her decided to keep her as a pet (which is illegal) and later realized that they couldn't care for the owl so they brought it to the Nature Center in CDA. They had a vet examine the Owl and found out she had a dislocated wing but where she was not brought into the center immediately the dislocated wing could and will never be fixed which means this owl will never fly again. So she is kept at the nature center. The facts about owls are amazing. This was a great activity especially for the kids.

Natalie Wrote Her Name

Natalie and Corbin brought home these very cute hearts from Sunbeams on Sunday. Then this morning said "Mommy come look at my name!". When I went to look at it I saw little kid hand writing on her heart. She told me that her teacher forgot to write her name on it (really she didn't you can see from the picture that her name is in tiny writing written in pencil). She has asked me many times how to spell her name and she recognizes it if she were to see it written down somewhere but she has never actually spelt it before so I kept asking her who wrote it and of course she kept telling me she did. So I grabbed a piece of nearby paper and said write it  again and of course she wrote it again. I am so proud of her. She is such a bright little girl. When you see what they can accomplish at such a young age it always make me start thinking about what she will be or what she will want to be when she grows up. She is very proud of what she just did that she asked me to send it to "My Parents" and "Daddy's Parents". So grandma and grandpa's here you go. She has been asked to attend a Preschool for the Developmentally Disabled as a "Peer Mentor". She is so excited however if she had the opportunity she would jump right into kindergarten. She is so ready.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The American Doll Cafe

The Hjelm family had a family reunion in Cornet Bay, WA which is near the coast of Washington. We were in Cornet Bay for a few days then moved onto Seattle where we spent a few more days. Where it was a week long trip this will be one of a few posts to follow so they will come in increments. 
So while we were in Seattle Natalie and I were invited with my sister, her 2 daughters, my mom, and my Aunt Mary. It was a lot of fun. If you have an American Doll you can bring her on a lunch date with you and she can sit in a high chair next to you. (This lunch date was mainly for Caryse my niece who has an American Doll). Where the two younger girls didnt' have American Dolls they let them borrow some to have a lunch date with. Natalie was in heaven. So you order your lunch, then you can browse around the store where they have anything and everything American Doll related you would need. They even have an American Doll hospital. If I had lots of money Natalie would have walked out of the store with lots of stuff. She kept taking me to everything that she wanted. It really was a fun afternoon. The service was great and Natalie and I had some Mother/Daughter/Cousin time which she really enjoyed and I got to spend time with my sister and my mom. She was very sad when she had to give her doll back. All the boys & went to eat at Macaroni Grill where according to Daniel talked about iPhone apps (Daniel doesn't have an iPhone) so he played with Charlie (my sisters little boy) and Corbin. He didn't have as much fun as Natalie and I did.
 Natalie dressing her doll.
 All the girls-Caryse, Sophie, &Natalie
Megan, my mom,  Aunt Mary

4th of July

For the 4th of July (again no family around to celebrate with) we always go to the Coeur d'Alene parade. This year the parade was rather boring. There were a few fun floats but the worst one was a local coffee shop "Dutch Bros" was handing out energy drinks to ANYONE including kids. What in the world. A friends kids got one but I told my kids absolutely not. Then we went to our ward 4th of July party at our Elders Quorum Presidents home. The kids had a blast.
 This float was not exactly a float. It was so funny They were the ones that started the parade. It was a radio station. they were a bunch of the staff members dressed in dresses and with walkers dancing to a newer song. I so wish I could have gotten it on video.
 Batman came to Coeur d'Alene. The kids and Daniel got a kick out of this.
 This was at our Ward Picnic. They had face painting that the YW did. Natalie was all over that idea. Corbin not so much. The girl in the picture is Jordan Fuhr. Natalie and Corbin love her to pieces.
 This is Natalie all decked out in face paint. She has a rainbow in her forehead, heart on both cheeks, she had some on her hands but I can't remember what they were.
Then we came home that night got kids ready for bed and lite off fireworks and let the kids do sparklers. They were so excited.

Our Memorial Day Celebration 2012

Where we don't have any family with in traveling distance and none of our family members are buried nearby we have made it a tradition to take a walk to the Rathdrum Cemetery to pay respects to ward members who have passed and Daniel also likes to visit the Veterans Memorial. Every Memorial Day they have the city and Cemetery lined with American Flags. It really is a great sight.
The path before you enter the cemetery is lined with flags 
 the paths inside the cemetery are also lined with trees (of course being North Idaho) and flags
 Daniel just wanted a picture of the kids and I.
All of us in front of the Rathdrum Veterans Memorial 
 Kids playing around-they had the bleachers set up for a presentation at the memorial that morning.
 Corbin loved pushing the stroller around.
 We then came home for a BBQ.
 Corbin getting ready to dig in.
The kids helping me cook the hot dogs.

"Touch A Truck"

The "Touch a Truck" event was part of the "Summer Reading Program" at the Hayden Library. I signed them up for the Rathdrum Program as well because even though they are part of the same network they offered different programs. The kids had a lot of fun. This was Hayden's first activity for Summer Reading 2012. The did have a Utility Truck that was also there-I didn't get a picture of her inside that one but they have out "Utility Hat Flashlights" Both kids were so excited especially Corbin. He still has his. I even thought of tracking them down and getting some for Corbin's birthday. There are only pictures of Natalie because Corbin was too scared to get into any of the trucks.
 Natalie has always wanted to ride on a bus however this time she just got to go inside.
She was in heaven.
 This is her in the back of an Ambulance.
 This is her in the drivers seat of a Cement Truck. She asked what equipment they used and the lady told her that was the best question she has had all morning.
 She even got to sit in the drivers seat of the bus.
 In the back passenger seat of a Fire Truck. They even gave out fire hats.
In the drivers seat of a Police SUV. She really liked this one.

Father's Day 2012

Father's Day 2012
We had a great Fathers Day. We however did not follow through w/our tradition to Dairy Queen. Daniel wanted a chocolate peanut butter frozen cake. So that is what he got.  

Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day 2012 
A Mother's Day tradition we have made since we became a family is every year Daniel & the kids go to our local Dairy Queen and get an ice cream cake for me. I LOVE it. This picture also shows the carnations they picked out.
 Our little family!
Every year our local grocery store has a kids day on Mother's Day where the kids can go in pick out a cake, decorate it, pick out a carnation (one for each child so I get two), and this year they had an archway decorated and set up for pictures. Such a cute idea and the kids really enjoy it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Over the years

I created this slide show specifically for Mothers Day but then decided to share it. So this is for those who aren't on facebook or didn't get my email. Just click on the link.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Corbin's Toys & ALL their uses...

Corbin has a very creative mind. We went to the grocery store the other day and since he got his shopping cart he has been begging us to let him take it with us shopping. Well, usually when we go shopping we don't have a whole lot of room for anything else with all the groceries. I finally gave in and let him take it. So when we went shopping at the local store we used our shopping cart for the perishable foods (i.e. eggs, milk, etc.) and his for all the veggies. He LOVED it. Then Corbin and I took his car to Wal Mart and got 3 things and just used his cart. So this is him and I leaving the store. He was a very happy boy and can't stop talking about us taking his shopping cart to the store.

NOW to the names of all the toys. We vacuum our carpets often because our dining area (who ever thought of that idea) is carpeted. I can't imagine what is actually inside my carpet it gets so dirty so fast with toddlers and their eating habits at the dinner table. So we vacuum and clean our carpets often with our Bissell Steam Cleaner. Corbin has taken obsession with the vacuum and the carpet cleaner OH and the snow blower (during the winter when Daniel clears the drive way). So he has his own equipment.
This is the shopping cart, and the lawn mower. When either Daniel or I are mowing the lawn either this or the stroller (below) will be following us also mowing the lawn. So it gets a good mow.
This is the vacuum and the steam cleaner. The bigger vacuum is the "vacuum", then the smaller vacuum is the "Shampooer". He got the idea when we cleaned our carpets over Easter weekend.

This is the "snow blower" and used to be a vacuum (sometimes is has multiple uses).
This is Corbin and ALL his equipment. When he plays pretend Natalie (depending on her mood) will try and correct him but he stands up for his "equipment" and won't back down when she tell him he is pretty much nuts then she looks at me and gets frustrated because he won't back down. Such an imagination. I love him. HOWEVER I can't ever get him to give me an impromptu smile so please excuse the funny expressions in his face.