Sunday, February 5, 2012

"Bearing" a little too much information.....

Natalie has decided that every Fast Sunday, after seeing her friends get up to bear theirs, that she is going to bear her testimony. So Daniel & I have started to take turns taking her up there. She is smart enough and has heard enough people bear theirs that she gets up and says what she knows. The first few times I helped her but now she just gets up by herself (of course one of us follows because she won't come right back down). Well, this time it was Daniel's turn to get up with her. She got up stood at the podium and started to bear her testimony. She continued by saying she loves her family, she loves her Mom then all the sudden I heard her say was "when I get into trouble my mom puts me in time out for a long time". That got a good laugh with my hiding in our Pu. I was so embarrassed. I looked at Daniel up on the stand and told him to get her down. I would hate to know what she would have said if we would have allowed her to continue. It is so true that "Kids say the darndest things!!" Gotta love em'!